Behold, its a blog!

Hi Everyone

Its Teena here, testing out this blog feature as a way of getting shop updates out to people that don't subscribe to the newsletter. We had some cool new D&D candy arrive this week which is the feature picture of this blog post. 

Christmas cutoff dates:

As we approach the end of the year and we have a chunk of public holidays just be mindful the official AusPost christmas delivery cutoff dates are:

- WA & NT: 8th of December, or 15th of December for express post
- Rest of Australia: 13th December, or 20th of December for express post.

I strongly encourage you to get orders in ASAP and please remember to allow at least 48 hours for me to process and post your order. Orders are posted every day (orders are packaged in the evenings and posted the next day), but sometimes might be every second day if the order volume has been low or I have been swamped with other work.

If you're Sydney local and miss the cutoff time I am still prepping to open the store in early to mid December - but click and collect can be used until then.

On the shopfront some updates:

At the moment I can't yet give a firm opening date. Furniture is currently being ordered and set up as it arrives, I still have some shelves, tables for the play space, chairs to order and assemble. After they arrive it will be all about working out how to display the stock that I have, setting up a table booking system, and working out how to display prices on products. I also need to organise an electrician to upgrade the lights (for better lighting in the play space), and a carpenter for some partitions.

Every purchase you make on the site helps me open the B&M store faster (oh gosh, furniture and professional services are expensive), and I thank you SO much for every order you make as it definitely helps speed things up!

- Teena

PS. If anyone is in need of large boxes (for moving house, or for posting large gifts) and is local to Ultimo please get in touch as I have very large boxes I am happy to give you.


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